Fully Funded PhD Position in Optics on Biomembranes, Germany

Discover fully funded PhD opportunities in optics on biomembranes in Germany. Join our program and take the next step in your academic and professional career. Our research focuses on the synthesis and characterization of optical tools designed to explore and manipulate biological systems using light. These tools include photo-switchable molecules and fluorescent/plasmonic particles that are suitable for biophysical applications.


4-year Bachelor’s; Master’s degree in Physics with very good results; applicants holding a Master’s degree in Material Science or (Physical) Chemistry may be required to complete additional courses within the LMU Physics Master’s program; experience in biophysics, microscopy, solid state physics, and physical chemistry

  • Department / Institute: Chair for Photonics and Optoelectronics (PhoG) Nano-Institute Munich
  • Subject area: Optics / Membrane Biophysics
  • Name of supervisor: PD Dr. Theobald Lohmueller
  • Number of open positions: 1
  • Project title: Optics on Biomembranes
  • Language requirements: Fluency in English
  • Study model: Full doctoral study model: 36 or 48 months
  • Contact: t.lohmueller@lmu.de

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